Monday, September 30, 2024

arrested development

It's clear to me as I grow older that society has an emotional response to the concept of sex copulation reproduction fornication absent that emotional response sex is simply an activity I often compare to eating in this analogy I eat pizza I eat chicken that doesn't define who I am it isn't a major part of my identity in fact because of the customs of humanity my history of not eating pork sometimes it does become a part of my identity even though it shouldn't be that way both homosexuals and heterosexuals having this emotional response to the concept of sex are in an arrested development and so I not having the same emotional response to sex feel trapped in a psychotic world where I  have to define myself on behavior that typically last no more than several hours a year. Propaganda has been so effective in this way that is caused a universal arrested development a crisis of conscience and that we have coping with this emotional response to the concept of sex it's important enough that people labeland  identify themselves by their intimate sexual desires. Feelings that can cover the gamut. It's not a healthy way it's not the correct way to address this activity. A far more rational approach is to toss out these identities and proceed with intimate activities in a clandestine manner and identify people by their motivational compass. It is more important to me to identify someone who tries to improve the world around them or someone who tries to dismantle. For  The concept of sexual identity I would like to cross the line and be a dismantler. In order to further human psychological development 


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