Monday, April 30, 2007

$chool'$ expen$ive CON$ideration$

I've been living on my own in New York City since I was 15 years old
Yep paying rent and tuition those years too . I gladly paid tuition for the advantages that my private school offered over NYC public schools. Particularly the facilities were more than most could ask for in such a crowded city .

But I've never made a lot of annual income and yet I've never qualified for financial aid for college. ( i guess i should have had some dependants when I was 16

Now I can't get loan to cover my classes at a relatively inexpensive private college (1750 per course.) . It will only cover up to 3700$. So I'm forced to go part time even though I'm ready for the full time workload. I'm forced to slowly go to school.

Now my father was invited to attend college for free as were many others from his generation .. Yet back then 60's and 70's College was still more of a choice an option ..

Now their generation (I toss blame like nerf balls) has left us with an economy where you now need a PHD To flip burgers (you have to go)

and (you have to pay for it)

fafsa is just a tedious mandatory procedure I have to go through every semester only to be rejected for any financial assistance because I'm capable of paying ?

I've never received tuition reimbursement although I've tried at every company (magnates in foreign countries) there's always some reason why I can't get it that year and begging is against my religion

- thank the master proponents of the ---trickle down vacuum up jobless economy--

most working class poor independent students in America are taking out loans now these loans are increasingly being handled by private financial institutions.

yet I hear the economic numbers are great .DOW's at 13000

But I heard from several unrelated people that there was nearly a riot when New Yorkers went to apply for a handful of entry level positions starting at 9.$ bucks and hour at the MnM store in midtown - true story

Did that make your business report.?

but its important almost as important as President Reagan's observation about the Russians not having many cars per family yet tooting the strength of their economy .. i read about that in gradeschool and realized
reported numbers can have little to do with realities

but the Dow just broke 13000 HURRAY!!!

I'm gonna have a DOW POW WOW party and you're all invited (all?hmm)

I am an Economics major and of course they don't emphasize this in class but what I am learning about is all the accommodations and considerations the government the IRS make for large businesses. To me the only reason why accounting is so complicated to normal folks is because they don't want to tell you how much they earned over how much they spent so they send you on a dizzying Odyssey of numbers, abbreviations, excuses and exceptions.. assets are included in revenue..appreciate or depreciate

needlessly complicated or very necessary ?

I know all about the double taxation that business possibly face . .. I just don't care because employees feel that too. I don't think any one from the government made any consideration about the depreciation of my jackets and cars or the relative/malleable ways I may report my earnings.. they don't ask how much rent/mortgage/taxes I have to pay living on my own or the mandatory travel expense /tax imposed on all new yorkers who have to take the train. The monthly pass is nearly 80$
In fact when applying for financial aid they don't even consider how someone can live in NYC and make estimate. $25,000 a year pay rent travel food and pay $24,000 a year in tuition.

Yet we have to go to school now thanks to economic policies that were formulated when I was in grade school ..How can anyone expect students particularly independent students to manage the cost of schools they have to attend (I thought Glasgow in concert by now) because of the economic outlook they had very little influence in shaping?

(make the baby boomers pay!- I sure know how to make enemies :)

WHY force American scholastic achievers to take out a loan for a service they clearly can't afford and won't be able to if their going for the wrong/noble burger flipping degree.

Does anyone make any considerations for those who really need it.?

I will
I will consider you
I will accommodate you ..
I would like to live vicariously through your accommodation.

screw it ill just pretend I'm Exxon- they get plenty of consideration and as a reward for craftily taking more from America than they're willing to give in service or jobs. (They remind me of poor ole GM-oblivious and blatant- check the policy makers). How about Haliburton which has finally decided to pick up and vacuum American Employees money from from a foreign location. (hey blatant Hali sugar daddy war bucks best buddy don't bother to employ more people in the country where you make most of your profits and consideratons.. leave it to Toyota and other foreign companies to do that)

so my revolutionary economic principle-- I've never heard espoused on TV or in class or by any politician in school or film

MY Explicit Simple Plan: Companies should not be prohibited from firing employees. However very profitable companies should be encouraged to hire more workers in proportion to their profitability .Practical application of social responsibility .(trying to prevent companies from firing workers is not working in France and that dynamic stifles employees incentive. )

Ever deal with a service worker like the DMV or the passport office where they are under no pressure to perform well.. it 's like you become the service worker.

So fire them at will but when I hear that a company is the most profitable I also want to hear how their hiring practices contribute to the economy they are Taking money from (feel free to do business in Venezeula or Zimbabwe (I got whole page on you coming Chavezeula)..we don't like being economically raped in America).. Because this is consumer driven economy .. not business not government .. and yet business and government are working together to eliminate the consumer and the consumer's purchasing power. ..

here's a rule in economic I have not learned in school

EMPLOYEES PURCHASE SERVICES, COMMODITIES AND GOODS- without employees every business suffers. From Exxon Fox News to the Gap to Ben and Jerry's .. the first to suffer are the commodities/services you don't really need.

GreedyMan You Hurt Society. People need expendable income to pursue interests that benefit society overall. New ideas and innovation are borne out of the luxury of time and perhaps expendable money to manifest great ideas

Could the Wright Brothers take to the air if they had to toil the fields? If they had to toil to get food for the next toiling we have to unleash this potential by spreading the wealth around enough to perpetuate more wealth for society overall via innovation.

The CEO's back then were getting that plane together?

This is why ideas and content have to be protected and credited correctly. because some people with good ideas have many many more in store. They naturally shelve the ones that are great the ones that can save society once they see they cant even win credit for their contribution.

you cannibalize your potential profitability by supporting a economic principle that does not encourage the creation of jobs in large profitable companies

NO Employees=NO Consumers --i know its not as complicated as depreciation but i hope you can appreciate it's simplicity

If 10000 people who want and can afford a flat screen tv .. there will be 10,000 purchases that will support jobs and the flat screen tv industry ..
but gazillion billionaire with a BUSH tax break is still only going to want ten or twelve TV's to have around the house. The flat screen TV industry suffers.. so everyone should rally behind the explicit principle of job creation.

so fire employees who don't meet standards but try to replace that headcount. Because the overall economy diminishes and the revenue relegator will eventually knock on the door of your business/firm

very profitable companies should be encouraged to hire more workers in proportion to their profitability. If only to contribute to the dynamic that makes it good to do business in America .
Millions of Employees with some expendable income ...(don't like it ...feel free to do business in Chavezuela)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top Chef’ Dreams Crushed by Student Loan Debt

Erica Reichlin at CatFish Max in Seaford, N.Y., on Long Island. She owed nearly

$84,000 as a graduate of the California Culinary Institute.

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By KIM SEVERSON of the New York TImes

you come up with ideas and they get paid for them

Published: May 8, 2007

1:04 PM  
Blogger xplicitman said...

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9:02 AM  
Blogger xplicitman said...

The funny part is that she does a great article (the complement I never got) but the content/concept is very similar

By the way I was trying to be polite and not highlight a particular degree i was trying to allude for fear of offending any undergrads..."burger flipping degree"

My brother has been incarcerated for over year as a suspect in the theft of cell phone that's worth what now?

They have no physical evidence and the Theft victim is unable to identify my blood . But there he stays learning and becoming lord know what and they wont give him a trial until he pleads guilty . quite the 18 year old to merit such measure..

I always thought that the foundations of this country were not liberal or progressive by todays standards but trying to keep the government from comin into your life arbitrarily and exhibiting un warranted pressure sedition

NO debtor prison or innocent until proven not treated guilty .. wrongful imprisonment

They got to strong this 18 year old who may be a father

i make lemonade and i am street ..
they bagged me a few times im just addicted to it
each time I learn more criminal knowledge
it can be very interesting

to protect yourself and your loved ones of course

I would probably paint jail the culmination of a dream vacation

what are my concepts worth a cell phone ? How much does one get paid to be NY TIMES writer or for an original yet timely concept for an article

how much should one suffer for not promoting what inspires them

and i don't believe he did it because he's staying there and insisting on a trial they won't provide until he pleads guilty

and I don't have much money because other people get paid for ideas I capture and deliver

but when they steal your ideas there's no justice?

I'm too busy trying to free my brother to fret about that

besides my best ideas aren't even from me there something greater
that chose to use and control my moments and for that I'm honored and validated in virtue ..

Theives of ideas and freedom will contend with the greater powers

9:59 AM  

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