Friday, October 21, 2011

machiavellian statesman

DEAR Mr President

benevolence deserves a great warrior

the reason the previous president accomplished

his agenda (tax cuts check patriot act check optional war check enhanced interrogation check and implemented) because people knew he wasn't congenial and diplomatic he was

certainly capable of using the patriot act and the fbi and other personnel if

not him certainly the VP was capable of using those .... to push their

political foes into more palatable positions many dems voted to go into iraq

for just that reason they were unpredictable one couldn't be certain

of their cordiality

state politics is never akin to personal politics the strategies i employ to

get along in college or work are not the same policies i would employ as head

of state or as a parent even

I feel empathy for the wall street protesters because its like the kids

getting out ahead of the fight and i know as a parent i would be fighting in

front of my kids they wouldn't have to leave the house before my funeral

I would be the infantry the calvary and the first to fight to protect the household

but currently the president is way too congenial to do this or to allow

underlings to pursue such aggressive tactics to get his ducks in order let

alone his opponents as a result he is challenged by a government shutdown on a

weekly basis.. God forbid foreign enemies become so emboldened

Introduce the Rednecks to Timidity
if only only to avoid any interruptions during your next state of the union

If i were president Faberge (my nickname for eric cantor i call beohner Acetone) might not get his mail on time his plumbing might go down the bridge on his block might collapse

his bank account might have issues all sorts of things could go wrong for people

can you imagine Faberge faber shjay -like the egg-under enhanced interrogation {its not illegal right?}

the next day she'd be singing negro spirituals

"swing low sweet chariot ."

acetone can concoct his own emotional initiated water boarding

(remember death panels?) but then again i would have gotten universal healthcare through using enhanced interrogation thank you very Bush (especially after seeing that republican rallying movie THE TOWN clip with ben affleck 'we're going to have to hurt some people' " oh ye that would have been my green light because they are more than willing to hurt some people THEY CAN DISH IT OUT WHY NOT TEST THEIR PAIN THRESHOLD
(and btw i dont agree with other liberals i think its very honorable agenda that would help reduce the debt) although i harness my fury i haven't disposed of it and

when im furious im capable of of making rather undiplomatic decisions but

then im a warrior for the middle class the vulnerable and the down trodden im not

a diplomat for the weak the disenfranchised the victimized

proxy warrior
growing up gay in the projects people would come from out of no where and try to challenge me and i would think they are looking for problems and i will deliver them an ocean of problems in every direction then lets see how interested they are in attacking me once I've cut their supply lines endangered their residence turned their allies against them people who target the weak/vulnerable deserve nothing less.. one story comes to mind where this gentlemen was loud and yelling across the street ...way too bold .. feel free to talk about me behind my back but be bold and you'll win a lifelong enemy... sometimes i think if i wasn't black and gay i would pretend to be to draw out those malevolents..
As for that particular bully he mixed bleach and ammonia to clean his white Adidas .. fortunately the sneakers survived .. he should have researched that instead of hanging in the streets targeting smaller guys ..o i forgive him i also think he'll be more useful as plant food .. a fate that awaits us all one day or another i just hope i can leave the world a better place than it was when i arrived

the same sentiment strategies and determination used to get us to invade iraq can be used to revive the middle class
i would have political opponents and greedy businessmen trying to avoid my ire for

fear that they might have the patriot act implemented against them and i would have

no knowledge of the specifics because what are the underlings there for. some people don't respond to logic and empathy took some blackmail and intimidation to get the civil rights laws passed ..Kennedy had great ideas but Johnson got it done ..i cant imagine trying to reason with anarchists whats the difference between anarchy and ever reducing smaller less effective government.. If you want to hurt the economy to hurt the president isn't that TREASON.. i said years ago that they would call you or hillary the antichrist.. when will progressives use inflammatory language and imagery to their advantage when will fire be met with fire .. this is not a pillow fight and its important

Great plans and great accomplishments are manifest by very different people

the statesmen and the warrior in order to have both you have to exhibit the

qualities of both those types of people

by all means mr president you play nice in public at least but get a few more sharks on your team because republicans just want power they don't have any useful plans and i would like you to implement your intelligent agenda and that seems to be the only way it's going to get done ..the public is not and will not attend to the procedural specifics anyway no one is raising a fuss about how reporters and left leaning politicians were investigated under the Bush administration .. they cant wait to get back in the oval office so they can use homeland security to threaten and push through their stupid ideas again

they can't understand the soft hand so provide the other . Is it not it a greater sin to have the all these great ideas and opportunity to help humanity that never get implemented ..

congenial statesmen and diplomats are easy to challenge and very predictable(a weakness in geo-politics) ...generals and

warriors are not

i suppose it's all been said before

"speak soft and carry a big stick " Teddy Roosevelt

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