Dating Republicans

ok what happened last time we dated these crazy MFs
Most who get a chance to date a Merica
try to treat Merica good
but bad old boyfriend got a bad old plan
under the ribbon and wrap it's trickle down economics ..Again!
we know this scenario
once he gets with me
he will try to relegate or sabotage me
so that i have to deal with his abuse
and rapidly diminishing niceties
The Boyfriend Saboteur
so last time around
we got sucker punched in the face
and had our teeth handed to us
by off the hook riff raff bandits
under your watch
mean while instead of pursuing justice
you went through my phone
lost my purse
stole a bunch of cash
went overboard on the Bodega guy
who had nothing to do with the insult
so we had to part ways
so to prevent my new man from getting any wins and looking competent you've been lobbing Molotov cocktails at my family residence
you sure don't love me like Solomon would
you'd gladly shred me to pieces if i wont be with you (smaller government =smaller boyfreind)
is that real love ?
you're like my very own bobby brown
your the BF that trying to fuck me up so bad that
i can't do no better
"cut your hair order the super size" (though i digress)
and now you're back with a new 1 or just an old remix
U want me to kiss rich people's ass to no end
that's your plan
Fuck you
you need to be dating a self hating bitch
and im not that
maybe you don't love me but i love me
you gonna start showing me some fucking respect or im not even going to acknowledge your incompetent madness
you'll be history channel
a daydreaming dinosaur
some throw back history channel induced nightmare im trying to forget
so come at me with your hat in your hand and way different plan
cause i would like to have 2 MFs competing for my love not one and and a frightening FrEnemy
and I'll never hate myself enough
to let you
make me
look and feel ugly again
love your self aMerica!!! i wanted to mention that i in no way know the true nature of whitney and bobby's relationship and adults are always responsible for their own voluntary actions bobby may not be a saboteur and it may be an easy methaphor but the boy friend saboteur is out their and
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