Beware of flying Babies

So I've decided to go abroad again..
Did I mention yet i got this anonymous invite to DPRK North Korea. They were ready to get me plane tickets an all . How crazy would I have to be? Just because I don't like the current administrative policies doesn't mean I will go fornicating with the enemy. (I'm 2proud to tease) Though its nice to be noticed... Kim next time call me only after you send x pic
So I'm doing the euro probably with my mom (can't buy a date since i regained my vision and subsequent minimum dating standards ..alcohol is so distorting ).. it's going to feel great to trade dollars in for small change.
Ye just when we get the most hated Country in the world awards I wanna go b in the mix .(face it I don't think they blame colored folks for US Policies Plus Im the BEST AMBASSADOR...When I go there I remind them "O you think America treats you like crap hell you're lucky let me show you how they did me and mines... " ( It's my pity party MF's )

Emmit Till Moses (remind you of any one?) His travel tradegedy tops any and it happned right here in the US
Of course no matter where I go . I always hear about the potential chaos that could ensue
every where is scary there
While backbacking (not backpacking) my way through belgium I had to beware of flying blood sucking beast bugs that could do arithmetic, a dab of LSD in the coffee and this clandestine travellor that was out killing companion travelors to collect body scents .. which can be overhwhelming 20 miles in any direction ....
when i went to Puerto Rico it was this ROBO cop guy that was supposed to be compeletely out of control and used to target practice with tepid tourists.. the day before i left Puerto Rico Blood ran down the Bathrooom tile adjacent to the tub.. It came from the apartment above. A hustler had taken more than a few bucks.
Then there was Dominincan Republic Steal something and you may lose a hand and a few fingernails or witness as much standing outside of a large modern mall waiting for a chicken to stop hogging the only available pay phone/western union for miles ...where you could be fenagled out of your money from hustlers or bands of renne-gay-d police.(Miguel i want my sneakers back you bastard! you said that was a gun in your pocket!)
But the strangest scary story was when I went to Italy and I was warned about the gypsies.. Friends and Family said the gypsies were handy pick pockets and would do a number of things to distract you from your wallet . the craziest was that they were known to throw Babies at tourists .. Well Baby Dolls fashioned to look like real babies .. yes thats right they were suppossedly tossing babies at tourists in hopes of releaving them of their fanny packs.
How should one react? Try to be compassionate and catch the baby with your wallet
The gypsies were a little agressive but I never actually witnessed that and I would surely bug out if they consistently invaded my personal space for the purposes of solicitation .
..And although I was speaking more spanish than english to get around Italy they kind of figured if they played too much with me. I could toss back a baby ( you cant take all the ghetto out...)
I have to defend New York's reputation all the time
the rest of the America tends to think NYC consists of violent narrow minded tempers and criminal activities and actually that's all been elected to serve in washingtion at 1600 pennsylvania avenue and Capitol Hill
But then a lot of people that come to new york come expecting the worst .. Am I gonna get robbed .. If i smile will someone punch me?
"Well if you wish real hard anything's possible ..
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