Here's to Loving You The Gift of the Cure

the more i think about it
the more i realise that my baby was like a gift from God I called out for affection but i really just wanted to introduce a new idea to my friends and myself and see if we couldn't treat each other better with affection but God gave me so much more
Now I don't know how else to thank God But to bestow upon You
the result of years of research and experimentation on myself and former lovers and friends that have led me to CURES and REMEDIES for a number of serious and mild medical ailments..
most people would put this in a verbose book and hawk late night infommercials about natural cures the government wants to scare you from to the tune of millions but My love and my ethics prevent that sort of sordid manipulation and prevntion from sprwading information that will help you .. you see I'm playing a different game than the rest of you who think avoiding shrimp and gay sex will get you into heaven i really wont be swayed from the logic that communal immortals care more about how you treat people who are different than you than how many kids you have or who you have sex with or how much shrimp you eat or how many times you read the Psalms..
what do those obsessions have to do with living in a communal immortal existence?
To grow Beautiful -live in symmetry You know how many Celebrities Dont know about this? Just look at them
Just because you start out homely doesnt mean you can't be a knockout( I feel I lived out the the ugly duckling metaphor.. i'm much more confident today then when i was 13 ) ... im not going to explain why this works (I'll leave that to some expensive waste of money study from Simpleton University- did you know studies show kids that eat cigarette candy are more likely to smoke!!! what a waste you know what I would have done with those resources such a shame) I just want you to try it and see it wont kill you
reach for ambidexterity
Chew your food on both sides of your mouth brush your teeth and gums with both hands and try to smile with symmetry meaning make sure your smile is not uneven (if your smile rises more on the left or right side fix that ASAP) it will gradually distort your entire face even if you start off very attractive and symmetrical.
keep a pleasant attitude as you age your character shows on our face wanna be a diva bitch? well the look that follows isnt very appealing..
over smiling will cause wrinkles
facial excersize can cause wrinkles but not too much to worry about if your under 30 so try it ..over 30 do it anyway and use the olive oil and coconut oil to prevent wrinkles and fine lines add 3000-5000 mg vitamin C and 1200 mg vitamin D to cement this protocol.
A Tooth Ache can be one of the worst pains to endure . Mix salt water with a teaspoon of Tea Tree Oil and rinse it it away
Ear Ache can be another incredibly painful experience drip a few drop of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in your ear to ease the pain and wear ear plugs to prevent swimmer's ear
Hair Care many of you hate my hair as you should ( it makes me look way 2 pretty) however i wasn't growing it to please anyone i was using it to experiment on so i could uncover the secrets to hair care and growth ... (I'll play around with your hair if it makes you feel better)
One of the secrets to optimum hair care came to me from a fairy tale
Rapunzel rapunzel let down your hair
Why did rapunzel have such long hair ?
Sleep for your hair
because she got at least 8-10 hours of sleep
my lazy ex boyfriends confirm this theory of mine as when they were exceptionally lazy they grew hair faster ... can you imagine being rewarded as such for being a sleep half your life
this applies to both men and women
drink a gallon or more of water then flush some out using salty peanuts legumes vegetables or other salty protein food then sleep a good 10 hours if you can you'll see the difference in your hair growth in just one night!!
Blond Women
Lemon juice will bring out your color but if you've tried it you know it's stinky and sticky so try Apricot Kernel Oil .. its not that expensive it smells great and it's a light oil that washes out and dries very quickly however Keep it off your face and skin it's too sweet and it will clog your pores in a way that may exascerbate breakouts
Black ethnic women with thick hair
want those shirley temple Soho style curls?
Stop Brushing and combing your hair for a few days take some extra virgin cold presssed olive oil and put three table spoons of it in your hair while in the shower. Pull through with your fingers then shake your head up and down and all around then let your hair air dry or dry under hair dryer and you'll have healthy temple curls with out the kink and curling irons...
for kinkier hair use Shea butter and comb through your hair with a wide tooth comb let set twist in curls or let air dry or sit under dryer .. this will pull out and loosen tight curly or kinky hair.
back it up with Devacurl (thanks to a beautiful actress) or Ms Jessie's Curly Pudding available in your drug store
Acne Breakouts Use the Extra Virgin Olive Oil on your skin in a hot shower then literally wipe the dried acnes blemishes away a great secret I learned from a great beauty Sophia Loren
CoConut Oil I'm not the first to tout the benefits of coconut oil for there are many but it is not the cure all as many have suggested
Extra virgin coconut oil is effective in clearing up breakouts associated with Herpes Virus'
apply heat compress to areas liberally covered with Coconut oil
however this is the cure for dandruff or dry scalp you may only need to apply it to your scalp once or twice a year in a hot shower never worry about dandruff or dry scalp again !!!!
TO Kill Viruses
to ward off virus infections particulary HPV and Herpes ( for HIV there is another protocol I want you to follow and i will detail this at the end of the summer once my experiments with the coumarin and valpro are always looking for healthy Diabetic HIV and HPV positive Cancer afflicted volunteers.. Im experimenting with Olive leaf for blood cancers and Tonka Beans for HIV ..
there are some natural anti-virals but they vary in potency For now I like Cider vinegar coconut oil and licorice root(with galabra)aloe garlic
follow the instructions for hair growth by drinking filtered water with a salty protein to hasten improvements
and for God's sake get that HPV vaccine if you can
it helps Boys and Girls -fellas dont let them discriminate against you
you should cook with pure virgin cold pressed coconut oil for at three consecutive weeks in at least two out of three meals a day that means daily you should aim to consume 5-7 table spoons of the expensive oil that is cheaper at wholesale.
God willing I'll have a cure for Diabetes and HIV/AIDS soon but i have to raise money ..
especially now that I've cured dandruff
selsun blue and head and shoulders might come after me .. lord knows they only work for a few days maybe they should put some coconut oil in their bottles .. people afflicted with dandruff or roaches dont deserve to be robbed on top of that..
Apple Cider Vinegar works but i hate the smell.. and scent is very very important to overall health and perception
coconut oil works better than even the expensive scalp products you'd buy from Aveda and Kiehls
Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic Cider Vinegar may not be good for those with compromised immune systems ( due to HIv Lupus ect)
Studies show Tagamet and SLS an ingredient in Tagamet ameliorate Herpes HPV Warts infections and symmptoms 800mg per diem
To remedy Urinary Tract Infections/ Viral Infections(HPV) Cysts, Warts, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/low energy, Acne, Excessive scarring poor pale flushed skin color.
To really get this on fast for the day before just drinking pure water and an occaional half a lemon or half an orange
IN 1 day
Apple Cider Vinegar 3 table spoons
Lots of water (1 gallon minimum)
3 more table spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar total 50ml or 2oz
Apple cider juice 16 oz
Cranberry juice 16 oz
Grapefruit juice 12 oz
eat a green apple
If you are a man and there's a burnin when your urinate it is very likely you have an STD
in which case Apple Cider Vinegar will only provide temporary relief .. (go to a Dr. get your lab tests and take your medication)
Roaches unsanitary little bastards
Capitalism over Health
i hate them they are nasty little former neanderthals
I think roach spray companies and those roach hotels and such should be ILLEGAL!! because they peddle products that DONT WORK!!
theres more uneffective crap on American shelves than anywhere else in the world
just to show you how much the FDA cares about you .. these products are TOXIC
(spray some on your plants or in your fishtank I dare you )
and they dont diminish your roach problem At all they just allow you to be a roach hunter in your spare time
you can use that crap till you're selsen blue in the face but you'll still have a huge roach problem regardless of how clean or messy you are. they dont want to get rid of your roaches altogether if they did then why would you buy more raoch spray?
see I'm a certified mess my room has pizza from days ago on the floor and yet I have NO ROACHES I hardly ever see one in my home
because I use BORIC ACID With SUGAR mix shake and defend your home and stop putting up with products that don't work and are poisonous
PS Boric acid hasn't killed my cats either
Dark spots and blemishes on your face or skin ?
I dont hate all products I love products that do what they promise
not every cure is herbal and a lot of herbal natural products are just as effective as roach spray for this I recommend the Pink colored Bye Bye Blemish available in rite aid and duane reade.. there are immitation brands and they dont work as well as the brand I've listed ..
dark circles?
For cold sores Carmex of course but carmex is a great exfoliate too so put some under your eyes and leave on for a hour then wipe away the dark dead skin
so feel blessed my disciples you cant this information on perez hilton's or the PubMed's sites or kevin trudeau's book for that matter
See God I'm generous too
Labels: cure, Cures, dandruff, hair, holistic, hpv, natural, products, remedy
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