Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's 2pm do you know where your Boss Is ?

useful studies?

you will see a lot of studies on how the elderly, the maternity the overweight the infirm the invalid all negatively affect a business' bottom line (see a pattern there?)

but where is the study on one of the most costliest groups of employees to businesses .. those whose performance or lack thereof cost companies proportionately and substantially larger sums of money

Tyrannical Managers

managers with few technical or social skills and little oversight or accountability

I've seen studies done on how many pencils taken by employees cost particular companies but I have never seen a study on how much extended lunch hours early departures frivolous business lunches and invalid expenses incurred by Tyrannical Managers cost companies they work for ..

How about a study on how imposing a general sense of adolescent like tyranny in the office can reduce productivity and

can cost companies overall more than all of the previously mentioned and monitored groups combined

yes im crazy sure
Remember i posted on nearly 7 years ago that laughter was healthy and the studies and science have validated that wacky idea

measure an employee's blood pressure before starting work for a tyrant boss and then measure their blood pressure three hours after work .. You will notice a substantial difference

i have already documented this

Of These Monarchy Managers very few have any local on sight oversight or direction .. Blessed with this freedom they choose to indulge in behavior that is causing high blood pressure heart disease and Cancer and inciting genetic orders and exacerbating other disorders and costing the company in lost wages lost ideas and motivational performance and increases to employer funded health care by contributing to an unhealthy working environment

and you thought it was just the ergonomics ?

If you don't prove it I will

Because too many people are dying and it's about time someone had the courage to address this issue .. I will not explain to the creator why i let these Cubicle Dictators cause disease and death without doing something about it .. (you cast a blind eye to it if you dare.. I'm playing this game to win)

management terrorism

I don't take the word terrorist lightly

tyrannical managers are responsible for more office worker deaths In New York City deaths than Osama bin Hidin

I know a man he worked in facilities that died at 41 of a heart attack on the toilet of his employers office ( what an obvious metaphor) and his D^*&k head manager never felt any responsibility but i know it was his constant hostility degradation and disrespect that led that man to have a premature fatal heart attack. The man did not eat crazy food didn't have a history of heart trouble?

another young woman i know has miscarried Few times !!! not because of her job workload or company environment but because of one particular Monarch Manager..

we may look at the "Devil wears Prada" and think how cute or funny or whatever..

But that woman's attitude did not contribute to making the business run better.

when did America become a bunch of subjugated pee-ons'.? Is that how we're raising our children now to put up with degradation and abuse from someone with a title that can be taken away.

you have to care and you have to hold companies to task on this issue so they have incentive to root out tyranny

you could always report on a Mad Manager once departing the the department or company(for whatever reason).. Why leave the next employee to suffer

Currently the government does not care if your boss curses you out all day as long as it isn't sexual or racist in nature but those protections had to be fought for too and they are worth it because business functions better with inspiring leaders who use simple and inexpensive tactics to exceed performance goals

recognition ... encouragement .. setting clear and attainable goals

Don't mix money and emotions

and productivity is diminished by emotionally whimsical people and capricious behavior

You can refuse to be a victim of slow murder

responding weakly or soft to targeted and consistent degradation will slowly kill you

I know of several personal experiences where tyrannical managers led to the premature DEATH of their employees via heart stroke excessive weight gain or loss miscarriages impotency it goes on and on

Study says obese workers costing employers CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Overweight workers cost their bosses more in injury claims than their lean colleagues, suggests a study that found the heaviest employees had twice the rate of workers' compensation claims as their fit co-workers.
Obesity experts said they hope the study will convince employers to invest in programs to help fight obesity. One employment attorney warned companies that treating fat workers differently could lead to discrimination complaints.
Duke University researchers also found that the fattest workers had 13 times more lost workdays due to work-related injuries, and their medical claims for those injuries were seven times higher than their fit co-workers.
Overweight workers were more likely to have claims involving injuries to the back, wrist, arm, neck, shoulder, hip, knee and foot than other employees.

unaccountable management no they don't hurt companies? its fat people sick people the smokers the minorities any one without inherent power

or better yet -- We've all worked with them - self-proclaimed "smokers" who mysteriously disappear for longer (and more often) than their designated 15-minute breaks.
Have you ever wondered how smoking affects work performance?
Some smokers argue that smoke breaks are used as a time to reflect on what's been accomplished and work that still needs to be done, thus making them more productive than non-smokers.
But a new study shows smokers have poorer-than-average work performance and productivity; they also tend to call in sick more.
In a study of more than 14,000 Swedish workers, Petter Lundborg, Ph.D., an economist at the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, found smokers took an average of almost 11 more sick days than non-smokers.
The number was adjusted to account for smokers' tendency to choose riskier jobs and have poorer underlying health, bringing the difference to just below eight days a year, Lundborg wrote in his study, which was published in the April 2007 issue of Tobacco Journal.
"The results suggest that policies that reduce and/or prevent smoking may also reduce the number of days of sick leave," Lundborg wrote. He recommends more research into the link between sick leave and smoking, as factors other than tobacco use may play a part in the absences.
These days, employers nationwide are implementing smoke-free policies, or offer reimbursement for smoking cessation programs. According to a 2000 Gallup poll, 95 percent of Americans, smokers and non-smokers, now believe companies should either ban smoking totally in the workplace or restrict it to separately ventilated areas.
Companies are taking different approaches to get employees to kick the habit. For example, Wal-Mart has introduced a voluntary program for its employees called the personal sustainability project, in which the company is teaching its 1.3 million employees the benefits of such things as energy efficiency and quitting cigarette smoking. If the program succeeds, Wal-Mart will reduce health care spending on a workforce with higher rates of heart disease and diabetes than the general public.
In contrast, in 2005, Michigan-based health care firm Weyco introduced a policy banning its staff from smoking - even away from the workplace. The firm implemented the ban to keep health costs down. Weyco gave its staff an ultimatum at the end of 2004 - either stop smoking completely or leave their jobs. Four workers refused to take the test and left their jobs voluntarily, although the company said it was preparing to dismiss them.
Here are some additional facts about smoking policies in the workplace, according to the American Lung Association:
Employers have a legal right to restrict smoking in the workplace or to implement a totally smoke-free workplace policy.
Employers that hire smokers bear indirect costs, including more employee absenteeism, productivity losses ($92 billion) and increased early retirement due to smoking-related illness.
A study found that people who were exposed to smoke in the workplace were 17 percent more likely to develop lung cancer than those who were not exposed.
Since 1999, nearly 70 percent of the U.S. workforce worked under a smoke-free policy, ranging from 48.7 percent in Nevada to a high of 83.9 percent in Utah. Workplace productivity was increased and absenteeism was decreased among former smokers compared with current smokers.
Prohibiting smoking in the workplace can have an immediate and dramatic impact on the health of workers and patrons. A study conducted in Helena, Montana, found that the number of heart attacks fell by 40 percent during a six-month period in 2002 when the city's comprehensive smoke-free air law was in effect. E-mail to a friend

" I'm slow but my Boss is thorough"

How do Corporate "Break-ups" actually increase the Value of the company?.. I figured patents innovations and breakthroughs (Talent) would strengthen a business and increase it's value But i guess was wrong i guess it's changing a tax status? or re-evaluating it under another name?. I find all these share holder maneuvers/tactics aren't adding any REAL value to companies who continue to ignore losses of productivity and innovation (value) usually via unaccountable management and unmotivated untalented mediocre staff (shhh.. there is a lot of wasted talent in America)..

Exemplary managers should be encouraging the facilitation of diverse ideas from many different backgrounds is far better for companies of the future than allowing a few poor management methods to inhibit this valuable resource and potential..

even the biggest idiot knows something you don't know

(Monarch Managers, they take more than a few pencils.. wolf or witz anyone?...a great no oversight tryant manager that one ) .

not to mention the cost to the employees health.. I would love to see a study on the health effects of working under dictator manager.. In fact employer funded health benefits would cost more under this type of management due to increased stress that is comparable to smoking a few packs a day ..

Do you know the physical effects of being terrorized everyday just to support your family ?

permitting that kiss up kick down attitude kills employee incentive all around

Why would a employee pursue innovative improvement for the company when they risk ego obliteration upon approaching their psyco-pathic manager ..If by Just approaching their manager they face a 70% chance that their manager will be dismissive hostile or insulting .....Most employees decide it isn't worth the potential suffering in order to put out an idea they probably won't get credit or recognition for anyway

I've interviewed people who are afraid to talk to their manager about the specifics of the their job responsibilities pr when to go to lunch .. they are literally afraid to take lunch

this really affects business bottom line because no one person knows it all you all have some tidbit or vast wealth of information that I don't know and that may be helpful to me. Corporation Xplicitman would appreciate your help whatever that may be ... that is why I compliment and recognize those around me and make effort to make people feel comfortable approaching me about any subject matter even the taboo . as long as it's at the right place at the right time .. because i have control over my emotional reaction and behavior I want what best for the company not to indulge in emotional whims that will ultimately be counter productive to the corporation

If line workers can put their emotions to the side to benefit their corporation ..why can't management? why don't companies demand that much from staff the value more (in terms of salaries and benefits)..

well there is no incentive

to begin with all the studies are talking about fat people

why not pick on the powerful?

magazine editors lawyer accountant Judges

you all know one or two maybe a few and some of you are these managers

Power corrupts and management power often coupled with unsupervision can destroy an entire company in just a few days ..

Some have just been in management too long to embrace or rememeber ideas like recognition or compliments..
Perhaps a college refresher course would be hlepful in this regard ?( Maslow's) ..Compliments they dont cost a thing but a little humility empathy compassion or any of the other emotions that come with maturity...

S why do so many Mania Managers baltantly exhibit emotional and social immaturity

where else in society is it acceptable to endure a grown man or woman screaming or degrading someone for something that is typically trivial and doesn't affect the bottom line

Why should adult workers have to tolerate the childish adolescent tantrums and emotional vacillations of some one who has no discernible talent to offer the organization ?.. being emotionally out of control isn't a skill is it?

its really a liability

Being old doesn't always mean you will exhibit mature behavior .. the kind of behavior that makes people want to help you that make people want to impress you.. Where you get the MOST out of your staff or team

just because you look like an adult doesn't mean you are one..

Part of growing up is learning how to harness your emotions and behavior. A good leader might want to exhibit some control over themselves before their subordinates

True leadership requires virtuous integrity and humility ...

thats is the type of behavior effective management exemplifies

Many companies are headed the wrong way

Pushed ahead by tons and tons of tons of negative energy and resentment

and ..

We all know people that have the maturity of fruit flies. They never bother to filter themselves with those they don't have to ... because a general respect toward humanity (regardless of color, sex or income) isn't something they've evolved into understanding just yet

we've all heard it

"My boss only speaks kindly to those who have a higher title or salary than him and for everyone else it's exhausting vitriol and hubris that makes getting anything done so much harder because i have to go and sooth souls and ego that are ready to rip him to shreds keep in mind this man can't afford security "

Ms worker


so how much does juvenile decorum affect the productivity of a company. Particularly when the juvenile holds so much authority?

how do these juveniles attain such authority in our sophisticated society.. i say juvenile because they are generally oblivious to the repercussions of their attitudes on their health and the health of those around them

Like a child throwing a tantrum in the the middle of the highway

what is the valid reason for defending selfishness within an adult office decorum ?

small businesses that usually fail by the way are rife with these kind of owner manager mangers that have no skills but make up for that with flamboyant attitude and perniciousness

so how did someone so oblivious and immature make it into management? .. typically they are at the white place at the white time p>

or its a small business with no oversight

sometimes i think well maybe the Mad manager is going through a lot of pain at home or in their personal lives.. Perhaps they are just lashing out sporadically?

but any pain they have i can usually match so if i muster a smile in the morning
dam cant you try? Co-workers can bring down the atmosphere in the same manner

try for senior tragico?

I don't want to mess up everyone's else's day with my selfishness
cant you wait six months 2 show me ur crazy like my boyfriends do?

but Management Murder will not continue unfettered

will it continue on your watch?

do you have the integrity to wield power responsibly? perhaps it's task that takes a certain level of maturity and skill

not everyone can handle the ring of power


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