Love French Bois?

I was chatting with a co=worker about the difference in dating American guys and Foreign guys ..
I recalled an episode where i went to Paris spur of the moment
the first night I got sick from the plane food but the next night i knew nothing woud stop me from hitting the clubs (there was nothing left in my stomach.. the only thing in the room was a twist off bottle of Chianti=red wine)
I met a DJ there name Fabrice . he was Dj'ng in a restaurant promoting a new CD avec un petite fille
he took me everywhere .. le Depot le Divan Le Kit Kat ...Folles Pigalles sur le arrondissement
years and years after getting a B- in french class
mais je peux parle meillure por mon homme( c y i got the b-)
we met mad cuties even a few freaky mademoiselles I would have liked to take home
but i was way too drunk (on that same bottle of red chianti i refused to let go of) to remember how to get back to mon hotel
so when we left kit kat club and headed back to Paris centre Fabrice looked me in the eyes and said .. "You have eh such un beau visage ( beautiful face) u understand? ..your eyes they change.."
the heat that hit my head hard right at that moment came from somewhere back in the states ..But No one had ever been so direct and complimentary so BOLD with me back in the states .." ( is that what romance feels like?.. do I even know? maybe Fab can teach me)
ok the funny part is as much as i wanted Fab he turned out to be an agressive..
but we slept ( just sleep people) together in his bed anyway curled up n kissing and trying not to snore .. It was beautiful
the next day i woke up to see his blonde girlfriend(plutonic) in the doorway (who i believe spoke really fast french all the previous night on purpose) was waiting for me to get out of his bed so she could drag him on some urgent shopping mission
then she said the only thing i'd ever hear her say in english
"Ah i see you saw all of Paris .. you are a very very busy even have your own dance "
( she then proceded to mock my dance which was spreading through the paris club scene ...MY dance is a hip and ass shake with a little arm rotation all with ghetto posturing and expression ...) ...
the previous night she had gone on and on about Fab's many many bim boy conquests
he's a Dj he's cute what do you expect ?
"Busy boy" what a bitch..
dont worry blondie in america all it takes is a little bleach and the latently gay black and latino boys will fall over themselves for you until they realize at 50 theyve always wanted butt. At which point they will try to flirt with 20 something boys ..
they'll settle for anything white but then try to level jump when they go gay ..
im mixed i encourage mixing it up but please dont embarass your own people with low standards
bottoms Im talking to you too
i for one cant sleep with someone i know has been with really unattractive people ..
Oh and now the diference
American guys always tell you what they got goin on .. and they take themselves way too seriously
"I got muscles..... got my own crib ..... i got a car..... i got a good job .......i got mad b^*%es sweatn me ...i got....i got..."
they never tell you why they dig you for they 're like peacocks trying to get you into their feathers ..
Look at me look at me Im hot.. im hot
.. and they take themselves way too seriously
"dont talk to me if...."
"i cant stand it when ....."
"i find everything offensive.."
woh your soo DEEEEEEP
me im easy goin
just cause you take your self seriously doesnt mean I will... i dont even take myself seriously
in fact i will just lock you out of all the fun that is my life
dont be mad fab it's a sweet story..
and im sure your still s heartbreaker
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