Much has been made about the feminization of culture .
Most medications aren't completely metabolized and are excreted in the urine
and getting into the water supply
this has been the case with birth control ( AKA female hormones) for some time now.. the new challenger to the market testosterone is now commercially available and may balance this out ...or make things worse
People like to speculate about sexuality .. I like to consider my own as a vehicle to pleasure and contentment. but i avoid erecting barriers between me and pleasure
ultimately i should be happy and content with air water and sunshine.. like any respectable tree.
i don't use sex as an agent to satisfaction... it just the icing on the cake of happiness
toys may be helpful but acquiring necessities it's like acquiring handicaps
i am a practicing birth controlist
AS yet there is no Parade..
i will be marching in the bottom pride parade this weekend
just the passing the time in the most efficient and least complicated way until i can gather the resources to raise spoiled kids i certainly want my girls to be spoiled because spoiled girls don't put up with a lot from their prospective e partners..
oh BTW how is my campaign to get women to consider anal going ...?
i need a better slogan
keep your virginity.. give up the booty