Tuesday, April 30, 2013

robot University

because soon there wont  be enough work for all these robots
then we'll have out of work robots
an no way to calculate unemployment Data

Super Assimilater
Back June 1

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Lava Party

Living past ability

 Don't fear pulling the plug on me  especially if there isn't a chance of a full recovery
   i don't want to live to see the day  i need someone else to remove my chamber pot

 so when i feel  my machine deteriorating  to dysfunction
i will have a  Lava party
say goodbye to my loved ones
and jump in a volcano

 I'm not going to cling to life
beyond respectability
when its done with me
il let it be
 i never want to be


Thats the best way
i can say
Fuck you Death
 you don't move  me anymore

Birth Control

Much has been made about the feminization of culture .
Most medications aren't completely metabolized  and are excreted in the urine  
and getting into the water supply
  this has been the case with birth control ( AKA female hormones) for some time now.. the new  challenger to the market  testosterone is now  commercially available and may balance this out ...or make things worse

People like to speculate about sexuality .. I like to consider   my own as a vehicle to pleasure and  contentment.  but i avoid erecting barriers between me and pleasure

ultimately i should be happy and content with air water and sunshine.. like any respectable tree.
 i don't use sex as an agent  to satisfaction... it just the icing on the cake of happiness
toys may be helpful  but acquiring necessities  it's like acquiring handicaps

i am a  practicing  birth controlist

 AS yet there is no Parade..

i will be marching in the bottom pride parade this weekend
 just the  passing the time in the most efficient and least complicated way until i can gather the resources to raise spoiled kids i certainly want my girls to be spoiled because spoiled girls don't put up with a lot from their prospective e partners..

  oh BTW how is my campaign to get women to consider anal going ...?

 i need  a better slogan
keep your virginity.. give up the booty

Dream Dance

I had a dream  about a future where in every one is forced to Dance all the time
because its a healthier lifestyle..

 to sit about   will be illegal  even legislators have to dance while  legislating

 i have to say i  agree that  a healthy lifestyle is a virtuous goal
however  you can eat  vegetables and pray all day
and you will still die

 dealing with mortality is difficult and different for all of us .
so i  think we should support  people and their indulgences
 because joy is  is infinite even if we only get a little bite at a time