Monday, September 30, 2024

arrested development

It's clear to me as I grow older that society has an emotional response to the concept of sex copulation reproduction fornication absent that emotional response sex is simply an activity I often compare to eating in this analogy I eat pizza I eat chicken that doesn't define who I am it isn't a major part of my identity in fact because of the customs of humanity my history of not eating pork sometimes it does become a part of my identity even though it shouldn't be that way both homosexuals and heterosexuals having this emotional response to the concept of sex are in an arrested development and so I not having the same emotional response to sex feel trapped in a psychotic world where I  have to define myself on behavior that typically last no more than several hours a year. Propaganda has been so effective in this way that is caused a universal arrested development a crisis of conscience and that we have coping with this emotional response to the concept of sex it's important enough that people labeland  identify themselves by their intimate sexual desires. Feelings that can cover the gamut. It's not a healthy way it's not the correct way to address this activity. A far more rational approach is to toss out these identities and proceed with intimate activities in a clandestine manner and identify people by their motivational compass. It is more important to me to identify someone who tries to improve the world around them or someone who tries to dismantle. For  The concept of sexual identity I would like to cross the line and be a dismantler. In order to further human psychological development 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

hello NRA

Busy... ? It's fine I just want to leave a message.. 

Note to second amendment advocates young disallusioned and deadly
Comes home to roost

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

scary scotus

In the wake of the abysmal immunity and exoneration ruling. Where are the smart plans to use the unprecedented powers on behalf of the democracies?. 

And by the way why not court China's assistance  in taking down Trump they may have some value to add? Since courting foreign adversaries into domestic political fights is acceptable?

Oh I keep forgetting our ideologies are not valuable enough for Democrats to play in the mud politics. 

We should all keep those honorable principles in mind while on the line to the gas chambers 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hillary in the house

The story headline will begin with white women scoff solidarity leads to big surprise all women lose rights to control pregnancy the major policy of the right. 
I have always loved white women but I was  disappointed in their performance as a demograph this past decade
 Give white women another chance except Jill biden
People make errors  constituents  make errors. White female demography proved that not all demographics are capable of solidarity. A pivitol implement of democratic power. They voted for trump the I can finger all female criminal immigrants  scrap NATO encourage Russian intervention. I sulting  sexually harassing various women even shameless exploiting his immigrant discount wife. We had a ruski nail order as a first lady very classy america. A discount foreign call girl. Oh but more expensive 

They scoffed solidarity as if it were a trifling and were the first demo of many  to have their rights taken away. A poetic justice. 

So now shall that synopsis remain .the legacy of the white female  demography in American democracy.?

I suggest we Give them another chance if not Hillary then another white female the demo can rally behind. I believe Hillary deserves it. She cared about the country In her academic days. She wanted to improve  the country.  Trump just wants to be the boss his whole life has been an excersize of his ego.  It has very little to do with altruism.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Dance with miss fortune

 The good thing about where I am now is that the dance is over. I'm far too beat to attract miss fortunes attentions. But miss fortune doesn't favor the fawn or the fox . She simply prefers the fortunate. The ones who seem to get away with it. That's what really revs her engines. 

I look forward to feeling sorry for the soft bellied power abusing perpetrators who dodged accountability and scrutiny. What a tantalizingly fortunate disposition. 

Now dance with miss fortune and survive it. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

the animosity of time

At the end of the day I'm just like you life is miserable and that's a voluntary disposition. 

The animosity of time
We have an infinite amount of reasons to hate each other begrudge attack reform antagonize forgiving the fact that  time is the enemy of us all and entropy gets away without charges accusation or suspicion. I believe if all the energy we rouse against our mortal enemies during our brief lives was redirected toward time we would have an. Impact 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

prenatal covenant

I promised the light I wouldn't. Succumb to the pitfalls of life . The mortal distractions that pervade the nascent promises I made before I arrived to protect and further the goals of my family. In as much I have tripped into a distraction.i must be strong enough to right the course and resume my path to prosperity