New York Survival Plan

America's has a habit or playing catch Up with their High and Mighty Huff n Puff By the time we get our actions to match our rhetoric.. Our Bold plans are usually irrelevant and obsolete. Great Planing alone is not sufficient. We also have to have the wherewithal to adjust and discard strategies when dynamics change and logic reveals our priorities are antiquated. Nimble.
XM wont trample over republican principles to "enrich a niche" my alias for trickle down economics
But The XM Tango Tank (if tanks can think then they can tango too..) has and articulated agenda..
IN NYC XM loves NYC like you (not me) would love your own child
A bad child with a history you don't bring up over dinner
(don't worry one day I'll win it all back for the dutch)
NYC needs : A Bold Mayor
A Curfew for all persons Under 18 : This would be the easiest for me to get as mayor I would simply tie it in to reinforcing our normal loitering laws and giving neighbors the tools to keep neighborhoods safe.
A ban on passenger cars sporty luxury vehicle with out NYC registration . Why should NYC residents pay local tax on their incomes to support local services that everyone comes and takes advantage of we have to find a way to make people accountable for services rendered . If a NJ driver has a need to contact the police or medical services when they are in the city they will receive better service than an older NYC resident paying local taxes (for decades) but unfortunate enough to live in one of New York's ethnic or poorer borough neighborhoods..
(these people don't have the sense of entitlement necessary to keep them from being raped economically. So these issue are hardly ever articulated publicly)
The solution i simple out of state drivers should drive to their nearest MTA out post and take the MTA into the city they need them money right.. It may also help with strengthening the outer boroughs by once again requiring shopper and travelers to pass through them ? and they are my next target
Leave tolls alone besides they affect commercial traffic which is necessary to the city's survival but passengers from Weehawken who want to shop in midtown and drive in when NYC resident can't or will be inconvenienced by virtue of the traffic created by their presence well they should keep shopping in New Jersey .... If they want the full NYC shopping experience it includes taking NYC transit..
Beside NYC plate holders are not crowding, creating potholes, engaging in accident requiring police/ambulatory assistance in Weehawkin, NJ( i found 2 ways to spell it wrong ...and im not changing it)
Any civics major will tell your cars and cities don't get along and Mass transportation is the most efficient way for cities with large population to function so why does NYS and NYC treat the train system like the pay phone booth system.*(antiquated nuisance) Somethings got to give mass transit or car transit within city border .. so give the car priveledge to NYC drivers already paying unbalanced taxes and insurance fees.
Mayor should control the MTA .. Residents should know who to fire when transit rates raise and in this situation some one with executive decision making skills now has the incentive to keep fares low and at this rate there really isn't any incentive to reduce rates.
Besides, People in Syracuse or Albany shouldn't have any say in how The city manages it's own transit system .. they have no direct incentive to increase efficiency and yet with out New York city would there be an Albany or a Syracuse at what capacity if the NYC was reduce to economy of Cleveland or Toledo.. New Yorker know how to make the city work and these RE-Prioritizations usually come from people born outside of the city and without historical knowledge of the success and tragedies of city civil planning
Robert Moses anyone?
Take control of the MTA and give it to the city citizens affected by it's management