Monday, July 28, 2008

This week N Rok N Roll

So I've turned to pioneering Again and I'm managing (until we get that call from William Morris) a fresh Urban Rock Group

well it's not just a group it's a Band of One

I've been trying so hard to go out and share the joy feeling more and more confident about my looks and my gimmick which right now is SOCCER MOM don't laugh I'm good at it

Do you believe in ANGELS
Just feeling being Greatful and Satisfied and it's enlightening

For a wealthy man I too take pleasure in the simple joys

So I'm having the yogurt Parfat at McDonald's and this guy is trying to break into the Ronald McDonald coin charity money box attached to the counter and nobody seemed to notice but me because he wanted to know if I was going to go ahead and order I'm mouthing to the manager call the cops .. maybe he was regular .. this why i fear going out because I'm a freak magnet .. I learned a long time ago never to take them seriously.... Besides I think it's very personal to be emotional in front of people so not even when they are openly insulting ridiculing me on a McDonald's line ..But I Don't speak English Spanish or French ..I'm blond I just don't understand ......I just dance to it and smile and have fun ........the present is just that a gift .. I refuse to reward bad behavior .. SO I was literally dancing to this dude sometimes that makes them more upset as it had this guy because his insults increased in vulgarity and that got the attention of the staff .. .. then he just completely sTopped and resumed normalcy and there I am dancing to no music like some sort of guessed it..... freak.

so my friend has these big glasses .. but he never cleans them by midday there's a dust bust buildup .. and I can't understand how he sees out of those things..upon further inspection I noticed a strange design in corner there were
little fingerprints on his big glasses it said "please clean me" it reminded me of my car

so my aunt is moving to a no pet building

where is the no teenagers building?

so I offered to take in her cat

and the cats have become an ordeal
I've implemented a spray bottle
and the Oscar for hungriest kitten goes too...

I call them my kiddies cause their needy and they give me a headache but they are just adorable too..just like the real deal

Oh and my favorite New Old Skool FUNK Track