Thursday, September 27, 2012

Google Maps Vacation

Saving Money ?
take  a Google Maps Vacation

tonight I'm going back to Venice

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Vote 4 some $

Hello I'm Some Money and I'm running for  OFFICE

This Election I  want you to vote for Some Money


Even if you don't lose the vote
you don't wanna lose some money
And  if you win the vote
you  know you could use some money 
so when remembering to vote
It's better to choose some money

before you throw the welfare queen on the fire
"Congress has the power to To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures..."
remember money doesn't grow on trees its digital
the true nature of money is faithfully fascinating
Was money invented/created to facilitate Mitt Romney's ego?

is money going to build big business or big egos?

o and God bless medicare

Unfinished Business

Complete Annihilation
Time to revisit
The Powell Doctrine
overwhelming force
must be brought to bear

spare no cobwebs no cross hair
it's essential that the confederacy  is completely decimated
   once and for all
what country
can afford to fight a civil war for 500  years

oh and i have an ad idea

" you think I'm gonna let that Governor Bob McDonnell and those Republican cronies  put some probe  inside my daughter."

aside from the voting rights abomination that trans vaginal thing is so offensive it's unbelievable ..
wont it be so good for the country to just be rid of them once and for all..

we know how to do this
It's not like we have to keep fighting the Native Americans
or the Japanese or the Germans
But we keep facing off with the south and subsequent metastasis and that has been the strategic blunder of the millennium

 we keep fighting over policies that really shouldn't merit much consideration
 so when we have our 1 millionth argument about global warming
  remember its our fault because we don't have the stomach to end a war completely
from privatizing prisons to Von Hayek's supply side sparse country economics (as if Vienna knew how to empire) it's all been a travesty

The tail bone's connected to the Intelligent Design bone

we  should have let them  secede so they could have fulfilled their alternate destiny as a colony of Mexico