Eployment: Employment Raping your Economy

keeping relationships symbiotic
fun facts : the American economy is 65% -75% consumer spending
the basis for most American's spending power : Employment
AS humans we will continue bad relationships just because they are historic ..the persevering legacy of misery
Even today reading this you may have bad relationships with your church your employer your diet all because of the habitual nature of mankind?
communities have a right to decide who will provide them with services and goods
in a healthy economy supported by symbiotic business relationships ..customers are Employees with employment options .. they can get another job if they lose or move on from their current one.. but if all the new growing and profitable companies are not alleviating the employment pressure in the markets they rape simply because they don't have any urgent need for a new worker is NOT good enough reason to me to you and to your elected representatives to allow that business to continue to do business in that market ... that business is having a predatory relationship with their market their consumer and their own industry ..
some companies may believe that providing a service or good efficiently and cheaply is enough and they have no obligation to support this "Employment Market"
my response: well then sell it in Venezuela
don't push the world toward communism with a picture of poverty to match the rumour
retain the benefits of free market economics while reducing the hazards
even the greatest ideas don't amount to much dollars and cents in Afghanistan or Chechnya
try selling jet pack there
companies are more than welcome to sell services and goods in other poorer vicinities more available and communities for less without hiring .. supporting the consumer or locale "Employment Market"..
as it stands CEOs have little impetus to hire workers for the sake of supporting reinforcing the local market wherein they participate
you can thank your governments for that and their busy trying to keep share holders happy and play the earnings hopscotch
but if they were little forward thinking they could see that it does really affect them and that they actually have tremendous incentive to reinforce the capitalist culture of spending that requires a healthy employment market ..
Consumers can't continue to purchase your goods and services if you participate in limiting their employment options by not hiring workers congruent to your profits wherein
your are saying FU customers
when companies make large profits without assisting in decreasing unemployment pressure they are Raping Your Economy they are vacuuming wealth away from their very own customers because now those same customers that purchase and support the profitable companies product or commodity don't have the option of working for the company that is taking their money when or if their current employment relationship evaporates
what if employers or profitable businesses don't need people?
they need people if the want to work or conduct a healthy growing business in a healthy growing market
How can government or the people tell companies what to do in a free market economy?..
free market principles are great particularly Incentives and Innovations benefits of competition but they should not be licsence for companies to run rough shod over the basic principles of equity give and take quid pro quo the golden rule.. basic human principles which supersede acute free market traditions
How can we use the law to correct this relationship?
to me the precedent is trust Busting Teddy Roosevelt.. Companies should prefer to be nudged into hiring more workers than broken apart which we have done for the public good.
i stepped on a vulture on the corner the other day and he laughed said that "the us unemployment rate was so low because the prison rate was so high."
i thought has the government also developed a predatory relationship with the people
Labels: business, depression, Economy, econonomics, Employment, rape, recession, trust