Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Halo with matching taser

Apparently republican'ts believe that police officers are beyond rapproch even from the President of the United States.. are these MF's running around with halos? .

This man was put in to custody for 4 hours after the police ascertained that he was the resident of his own home..it's an embarrassing shameful stain on the power police suppose they have over any individual of any race in this country

Infidelity dont make me an accessory

Love is so cheap to me i typically have to fight the temptation to fall in love at the wrong time with the wrong person or with a bad start

i have to fight falling in love with a married man .. or otherwise engaged man .. Because they put you in a situation where you have to compromise your own principles ? end your relationship and come at me without the baggage hiding sneaking ect .
why should i have to settle for a relationship in which i
may be hurting an innocent woman and children or not so innocent woman that you would otherwise have nothing to do with .. what does that say about my moral compass?. Don't make me and accessory ? i want to enter into a relationship clean in because bad start relationships are cursed and always have bad ending smart girls should always ask their new Bf's about previous GF's only to ascertain how they broke up was it bad dangerous psycho violent based on infidelity? how did it start ?

it's shameful that other women don't give fellow women and themselves that kind of consideration

but this discriminated against homo does

Come clean or don't come at all ..

Oh and you can trust me around your man .. he would have have to end it with you and prove it to me first

and trust is valuable

Extreme MJ

What is Micheal going to be remembered for? well .. its seems he did everything to the extreme .. it's a good thing he never smoked cigarettes..he'd probably do it intravenously.. and finally I'm able to laugh about it ..

But he needed a prescription and an on call doctor to get high wow that's superfab

what is love?Love is cheap

love is cheap dammit .. Love is only expensive to people who have nothing going for them ...don't believe me what is a pre-nuptial agreement .. two people protecting themselves and their assets from the insanity of love.. because assets are expensive love is not and should not be

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